6 Red VIP Trip
Team 7 Red Quarter 3 Award Winners!
Team 6 Black AR winners for 3rd Quarter!
Congratulations volleyball girls on a great season!
Students on Team 8 Black compete in advisory games each week to improve their rank for the end of the year day-o-fun. Here are some students showing off their mad golf skills in Mr. Brauns room.
6 Red 3rd Qtr AR winners!
Parents and Students,
The link to order t-shirts and hoodies is now open until March 31st. Here is the link.
We have a few sizes available for cash and carry at school (checks can be made out to Team Bryce). T-shirts are $20 and Hoodies are $30.
T-shirt sizes available are adult medium, large, x-large, and 1 xxl (this shirt is $25)
Hoodies available in adult medium...very limited supply.
We are planning to take a group photo on Friday to show our support for Bryce as he continues to battle cancer. Students are asked to wear their Team Bryce shirt on Friday, 3/22, if they have one. If they do not have one they may choose to make a small sign showing their support. Shirts and signs are not needed to be included in the photo.
Optimist District finalists and runner up along with our boys and girls division winners!
Congratulations to our participants in the Highland Optimist Oratorical Contest! The were wonderful tonight!
Spring Picture Info can be found in this attachment.
Grade 7 - April 2
Grade 6 - April 3
Grade 8 - April 4
8ted city museum field trip
7 Red Mag 7 award winners! Nice work!
Thank you to everyone who came out and supported HMS at our sixth annual trivia night. We had so much fun! It was really great to see our kids and so many families come together to support education!
Trivia is starting now at HMS! Come and bid on our silent auction items too! Come on in!
HMS Glow Dance
The HMS Student Council would like to announce their upcoming Glow Dance!! The Glow Dance is on Friday, March 29th from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., with doors opening at 5:45 p.m. Tickets go on sale next week, Monday through Friday, during lunch hours, and the week of the dance. Tickets cost $5.00 before the event and $7.00 the day of the event and at the door. The attire for the evening is school appropriate casual -- or, dress with the theme and glow all night long. Students will enjoy in music being played by DJAY AJAY, along with some refreshments . . . cookies and drinks. We will also have a small concession stand available to purchase other items, such as candy bars. And, keeping with our theme, we will have "glow" items also available to purchase. We are looking forward to a wonderful evening with the students of HMS. If you have any questions, please contact Mecala Scholl at mscholl@highlandcusd5.org
2019 girls track team
Advisory Fun
Girls VB regional tonight! We just won against Triad, now on to the Championship round!
Come to HMS's Gym Lobby on Tonight, March 12, from 3:30-6:30 to place early bids and purchase tickets for our basket Raffle. All prizes and packages will be awarded at our Annual Trivia Night on March 15. We still have tables available! Auction Leader Link: http://bit.ly://auctionleaders Silent Auction Bid form: http://bit.ly/hmsauction Reserve a Table at Trivia Night Link: http://bit.ly/hmstrivia Thanks for supporting HMS!
Congratulations to our Bowling team intramural students! They competed in Regional today and made it to State!